C++ in MFC using namespace Vieworks::vivix,
Instance : CVivixSDK vivixSDK;
C# in Winform using Vieworks.vivix.net, using Vieworks.vivix.net.detector; using Vieworks.vivix.net.scu;
Instance: VivixNet netSDK;
assume 1 SCU, 1 Detector is connected, and registered already in VIVIX Setup
Discovery and find Detector& SCU Instance
const SCU_INFO* SCUInfo; const DETECTOR_INFO* DetInfo; vivixSDK.RefreshDeviceInformation(); vivixSDK.SCUInfoGet(&SCUInfo); if (SCUInfo->Found == true) { vivixSDK.GetSCU(&scuIns); scuIns->Open(); } int dcount; vivixSDK.DetectorCountGet(&dcount); if (dcount == 1) { vivixSDK.DetectorInfoGet(0, &DetInfo); if (DetInfo->Found == true) { vivixSDK.GetDetector(DetInfo->DetectorID, &detectorIns); detectorIns->Open(); } //register callback }
DEVICE_INFO_LIST DeviceInfoList; SCU_INFO SCUInfo; DETECTOR_INFO DetInfo; netSDK.RefreshDeviceInformation(); netSDK.SCUInfoGet(out SCUInfo); if (SCUInfo.Found == true) { netSDK.GetSCU(ref scuIns); scuIns.Open(); } int dcount; netSDK.DetectorCountGet(out dcount); if (dcount == 1) { netSDK.DetectorInfoGet(0, out DetInfo); if (DetInfo.Found == true) { netSDK.GetDetector(DetInfo.DetectorID, ref detectorIns); detectorIns.Open(); } //register delegate }