C++ in MFC using namespace Vieworks::vivix,
Instance : CVivixSDK vivixSDK; CDetector* detectorIns;
C# in Winform using Vieworks.vivix.net, using Vieworks.vivix.net.detector; using Vieworks.vivix.net.scu;
Instance: VivixNet netSDK; DETECTOR_INFO DetInfo;Detector detectorIns;
Offsetcalibration process is needed too much API. but you can perform offset calibration simply by offsetrefresh API, but offsetrefresh can be performed after performing offset calibration or being loaded
void CSDKCplusExampleApp::TestOffsetrefresh(int count) { RESULT nResult; if (detectorIns != NULL) { detectorIns->SetNotifyCalibrationOffsetRefreshStep(NotifyCalibrationOffsetRefreshStep); detectorIns->SetNotifyCalibrationOffsetRefreshResult(NotifyCalibrationOffsetRefreshResult); nResult = detectorIns->OffsetRefresh(count); if (nResult == Vieworks::vivix::RESULT::RESULT_SUCCESS) { // Succeeded to start offset refresh. } else { // Failed to start offset refresh. } } } void CSDKCplusExampleApp::NotifyCalibrationOffsetRefreshStep(Vieworks::vivix::DETECTOR_ID id, unsigned int stage, float avgValue, Vieworks::vivix::IMAGE_INFO* image) { } void CSDKCplusExampleApp::NotifyCalibrationOffsetRefreshResult(DETECTOR_ID id, OFFSET_REFRESH_STATUS status) { switch (status) { case OFFSET_REFRESH_STATUS::OFFSET_REFRESH_DONE: // Succeeded to refresh offset. break; default: // Failed to refresh offset. break; } }
public void TestOffsetRefresh(int count) { if (detector != null) { detector.SetDelegateCalibrationOffsetRefreshStep(OnDelegateCalibrationOffsetRefreshStep); detector.SetDelegateCalibrationOffsetRefreshResult(OnDelegateCalibrationOffsetRefreshResult); result = detector.OffsetRefresh(count); if (result == RESULT.RESULT_SUCCESS) { // Succeeded to start offset refresh. } else { // Failed to start offset refresh. } } } public void OnDelegateCalibrationOffsetRefreshStep(int id, uint stage, float avgValue, IMAGE_INFO image) { } public void OnDelegateCalibrationOffsetRefreshResult(int id, OFFSET_REFRESH_STATUS status) { switch (status) { case OFFSET_REFRESH_STATUS.OFFSET_REFRESH_DONE: // Succeeded to refresh offset. break; default: // Failed to refresh offset. break; } }