C++ in MFC using namespace Vieworks::vivix,
Instance : CVivixSDK vivixSDK; CDetector* detectorIns;
C# in Winform using Vieworks.vivix.net, using Vieworks.vivix.net.detector; using Vieworks.vivix.net.scu;
Instance: VivixNet netSDK; DETECTOR_INFO DetInfo;Detector detectorIns;
Sometimes, software might be crushed suddenly. Unfortunately, the crush occurred acquiring image . For preventing losing image in this situation. you can set keeping image option in local area.
void CSDKCplusExampleApp::KeepImage(int keepcount, FILE_PATH path) { bool enough = true; vivixSDK.KeepRecentImageSet(true, keepcount, path, &enough); if (enough == false) { return; } //you can skip the setting delegate code if you register already { detectorIns->SetNotifyFrameGrabberImageInStart((NotifyFrameGrabberImageInStart)NotifyImageInStart); detectorIns->SetNotifyFrameGrabberImageIn((NotifyFrameGrabberImageIn)NotifyImageIn); detectorIns->SetNotifyFrameGrabberImageInEnd((NotifyFrameGrabberImageInEnd)NotifyImageInEnd); } } void CSDKCplusExampleApp::GetKeepingImage(int id) { detectorIns->RecentImageGet(id); } void CSDKCplusExampleApp::NotifyImageInStart(DETECTOR_ID id, IMAGE_MODE imgMode) { // A function call when the image starts to be sent. } void CSDKCplusExampleApp::NotifyImageIn(DETECTOR_ID id, IMAGE_MODE imgMode, IMAGE_INFO* image) { // A function call when sending the acquired image. keeping image will be sent this delegate by IMAGE_MODE.IMAGE_MODE_BACKUP if (imgMode == IMAGE_MODE_NORMAL) { KeepImageID(image->imageID); } } void CSDKCplusExampleApp::NotifyImageInEnd(DETECTOR_ID id, IMAGE_MODE imgMode) { // A function call when the completing to send the image. } void CSDKCplusExampleApp::KeepImageID(unsigned int id) { //Save Image ID and matching patint info }
public void KeepImage(int keepcount, string path) { bool enough = true; sdk.KeepRecentImageSet(true, keepcount, path, ref enough); if(enough == false) { return; } //you can skip the setting delegate code if you register already { detectorIns.SetDelegateFrameGrabberImageInStart(OnDelegateFrameGrabberImageInStart); detectorIns.SetDelegateFrameGrabberImageIn(OnDelegateFrameGrabberImageIn); detectorIns.SetDelegateFrameGrabberImageInEnd(OnDelegateFrameGrabberImageInEnd); } } public void GetKeptImage(int id) { detectorIns.RecentImageGet(id); } void OnDelegateFrameGrabberImageInStart(int id, IMAGE_MODE imgMode) { // A function call when the image starts to be sent. } void OnDelegateFrameGrabberImageIn(int id, IMAGE_MODE imgMode, IMAGE_INFO image) { // A function call when sending the acquired image. keeping image will be sent this delegate by IMAGE_MODE.IMAGE_MODE_BACKUP if (imgMode == IMAGE_MODE.IMAGE_MODE_NORMAL) { KeepImageID(image.imageID); } } void OnDelegateFrameGrabberImageInEnd(int id, IMAGE_MODE imgMode) { // A function call when the completing to send the image. } public void KeepImageID(uint ID) { //Save Image ID and matching patint info }